Cultivate Yamas / Niyamas
“Dharma: The influence that upholds and supports the universe and living things and empowers evolution. Dharmic living is living that is in harmony with the cosmic order. To adhere to one`s path in life in accord with the orderly processes of nature is to fulfill one´s dharma: purposes that are constructive and meaningful.”
„The external (Yamas) and internal (Niyamas) practices, remove obstructions to the soul´s inclination to be expressive and provide the foundation for effective and progressive authentic spiritual growth.“
"The external [Yamas] practices remove obstructions to the soul´s inclination to be expressive and provide the foundation for effective and progressive authentic spiritual growth."
The resisting and mastery of harmful impulses and habits by choice, will power, and replacing them with the opposite characteristics of:
- harmlessness;
- truthfulness;
- honesty;
- conservation and transformation of vital forces; and
- renunciation of attachments which makes possible appropriate relationships and prudent use of available resources
"The internal [Niyamas] practices remove obstructions to the soul’s inclination to be expressive and provide the foundation for effective and progressive authentic spiritual growth."
- Physical and environmental cleanliness and mental purity;
- the cultivation of soul contentment in all circumstances;
- attitude and behavioral modification to effect psychological transformation;
- Self-analysis, metaphysical study, and meditative contemplation to apprehend one´s true essence and the reality of God;
- and compliant surrender of the illusional sense of selfhood in favor of awakening to awareness and realization of transcendent realities.
“These attitudes and behaviors are normal for a person who is healthy-minded and spiritually conscious. If they are not yet actualized by a truth seeker, they should definitely be attentively cultivated.”

yogasthah kuru karmani
Bhagavad Gita 2.48
"So long as our awareness is clouded or fragmented, psychological transformation and spiritual growth endeavors are our necessary duties. The results of our right endeavors are due to unfoldments of soul qualities and are not the direct effects of our actions. The ideal approach is to do what must be done without anxiety about the outcome and without claiming the results to be of our own doing. Because right endeavor contributes to success on the awakening path, our role is to do what is necessary as a disinterested observer of both the actions and their results. The key is to be established in yoga, the Samadhi of Self-knowledge."

cultivate Yamas / Niyamas
"Complete spiritual enlightenment restores our consciousness to its original, pure wholeness. ... Spiritual growth can be quickened by our intensive (concentrated) right endeavors - performance of essential, productive actions and avoidance of nonessential activities and relationships."
How to use the Yogi Scorecard
Observe & Express
How to use this Learning System
Use this learning system and adjust it to your personal situation to cultivate and express the Yamas and Niyamas, to eventually become an authentic expression of them.
To cultivate and express the Yamas and Niyamas in your life go forward in this way:
- Listen the whole audio to get an overview about the teachings and to familiarize with the Yamas and Niyamas.
- Focus on one Yama/Niyama each week.
- Listen every morning the explanations and participate in the meditation (about 10-12 Min);
- Start with the firm expectation to have insights and to understand the meaning and the significance for your life;
- Imagine and feel how an established person, in the particular Yama/Niyama of the week, would think, speak and act - Review and summarize at the end of the day for approx. 5 Min the events that occurred during that day. Guiding questions:
- What’s happened during that day?
- Had situations or circumstances regarding any Yama/Niyama occurred?
- If yes, think about your thoughts and emotions you had. What reaction you choose?
- What would a fully (in thoughts, speech and action) established person have done? - Act like your own professional coach!
- Make every day notes about your observances in a journal.
- To visualize your results and to speed up your progress use this table on the right. You can download an example on for free and share it with others.
- Make for each positive result a slash or a point. For example on a very hot Sunday, during a heavy traffic-jam you choose to stay calm, peaceful and serene. For this draw in the row of Ahimsa and the column of Sunday a slash.
- Stay positive, don’t punish yourself or feel bad if you reacted not as constructive as you would like to. - After one week continue with the next Yama/Niyama and change it every week. After 10 weeks start again from the beginning.
- You can also put your attention in the weeks 11-13 on other important topics in your life. I choose for example Meditation, Nutrition and Relationships. These focal points of attention are not fixed; you are free to change them for important topics, habits or behaviors in your life.
After 13 weeks start again with the 1st Yama Ahimsa. In this way you can go in a year 4 times through the Yamas/Niyamas and your life topics and cultivate them, to make it your natural behavior. - If you want to deepen your studies about the Yamas and Niyamas and the Yoga Sutras in the Kriya Yoga Tradition use the book from Roy Eugene Davis “The Science of Self-Realization, A guide to spiritual practice in the Kriya Yoga Tradition”.
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